Tuesday, April 2, 2013


This is a super old trend but one I have been wanting to try.  Once you get the hang of it, it is pretty easy.  Simply dip your nail (super dry base color done) in alcohol.  Then place the newspaper on top, squish down with a cotton ball that also has alcohol on it.  Hold for about 15 seconds.  Lift both off.  Presto.  Top with normal top coat.
My biggest issue is I went with my local weekly paper that apparently is printed at a higher quality than the normal daily.  I will try again with the cheaper daily paper.  Cheaper here means the type that rubs off on your fingers when you read it.  I am also thinking about the different sections of the paper that might be fun to try this with.  Think the micro sudoku in the answers section.  Maybe the comics?

Sinful Colors - Cool Grey

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